The FlatList Cometh
The FlatList Cometh
or How I implemented the FlatList Component in React-Native
This is my first official blog post as a member of The Freeze Team. I'll do my best to keep it simple and straightforward. I am going to recount my experience implementing a FlatList Component in React Native.
I needed to render a list from a variable-length array of objects. Each object contained a text "name" and a corresponding number "value" and would be expressed in the list in a styled component I had created that accepts a name and value prop.
In the past I have used a ScrollView
and used a mapping function to render the list of components.
The performance benefits of the FlatList were worth experimenting with as this particular list in question would
probably not be very long, 4-10 items or so a ScrollView
would not be necessary most of the time.
Flatlist is cool because it does the rendering for you and renders the items as they are needed on the screen instead of
all at once which is the case of the ScrollView.
You provide the FlatList an array of data and what the items should look like and it runs it through it's own mapping
Checkout this very basic example from the docs.
<Flatlist data={[{key:'a'},{key:'b'}]} renderItem={({item})=><Text>{item.key}
If you recall above, my 'item' had 2 properties, so my finished FlatList looks something like this:
renderItem={ item => {
Easy Peasey, and a side note.
If you console.log
the contents of the item
, as I did, depending on the length of the list the console's may negate
the performance benefit.
Thanks for reading!