Controller Controller where art thou Controller? (Feature Controller Factory)

Wednesday, 24 August 2016
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Move an existing MVC site from layers to features without breaking everything along the way.

Default MVC Controller location

The default locations for MVC5 items are as follows:

All Controllers are located in a Controllers folder and must end with the name Controller.

Feature Controller location

When we move to the features method we would prefer our controller to be an embedded class in the Feature and always named FeatureController. Thus the full name of the controller type would be:



  • App = WebApplication1
  • Route= Route
  • FeatureName = Feature
  • Result: WebApplication1.Features.Route.Feature+FeatureController

We need MVC to be able to find the new feature controller location as well as the default location. This facilitates a migration from one to the other.

Create test feature

This post is not about creating features. See Building MVC Jimmy Style for more details until the updated blog series is released. The below test feature will suffice for the purpose at hand.

In order to test our Features Controller, let's create a simple Feature.

First, create a Features folder at the root of the project and within it create a Route Folder and within that create a Feature class as follows:

namespace WebApplication1.Features.Route
  using System.Web.Mvc;

  public class Feature
    public class FeatureController : Controller
      // URL = http://localhost:23187/Route/Feature
      public ActionResult Get()
        return Content("Get Action");

      public ActionResult Post()
        return Content("Post Action");

It should be noted that in the TheFreezeTeam MVC Feature Pattern we have a one to one relationship between a URL and a Controller. All Actions are named according to the HTTP method (Get, Post, Put, Delete, etc...) they implement.


In MVC5 controllers are created using the DefaultControllerFactory.CreateController method which uses a naming convention of <controllerName>Controller to get the controller type via the GetControllerType method.


We want to support the original convention as well as our feature based convention. To do this we first Create a new ControllerFactory that inherits from DefaultControllerFactory.

Create an Infrastructure folder and inside it create a new class called ControllerFactory.

Override the GetControllerType method:

namespace WebApplication1.Infrastructure
  using System;
  using System.Web.Mvc;
  using System.Web.Routing;

  public class ControllerFactory : DefaultControllerFactory
    protected override Type GetControllerType(RequestContext requestContext, string controllerName)
      return base.GetControllerType(requestContext, controllerName);

Given we just call the base method we expect nothing to currently change.

To use this new ControllerFactory we need to edit the Global.asax file by adding

      //Replace Default Controller factor with Feature version
      ControllerBuilder.Current.SetControllerFactory(new ControllerFactory());

Now set a breakpoint in GetControllerType and verify that the breakpoint is hit when executing the app.

Update the ControllerFactory as follows:

  public class ControllerFactory : DefaultControllerFactory
    const string BaseFeatureNamespace = "WebApplication1.Features";
    const string FeatureControllerName = "FeatureController";
    protected override Type GetControllerType(RequestContext aRequestContext, string aRoute)
      Type type = base.GetControllerType(aRequestContext, aRoute);
      if (type == null)      {
        string Feature = aRequestContext.RouteData.GetRequiredString(valueName: "action");
        string typeName = $"{BaseFeatureNamespace}.{aRoute}.{Feature}+{FeatureControllerName}";

        System.Reflection.Assembly assembly = typeof(ControllerFactory).Assembly;
        type = assembly.GetType(typeName);
      return type;


This will build up the proper name for the controller and use assembly reflection to get the Type. Yet it will not find the feature actions. To fix this we need to replace the default ActionInvoker with our FeatureActionInvoker

public class FeatureActionInvoker : AsyncControllerActionInvoker
      protected override ActionDescriptor FindAction(ControllerContext aControllerContext, ControllerDescriptor aControllerDescriptor, string aActionName)
        ActionDescriptor actionDescriptor = base.FindAction(aControllerContext, aControllerDescriptor, actionName: aActionName);
        if (actionDescriptor == null)
          actionDescriptor = base.FindAction(aControllerContext, aControllerDescriptor, actionName: aControllerContext.HttpContext.Request.HttpMethod);
        return actionDescriptor;

This uses the base method to attempt to find the Action to invoke but if it is null will look for a Feature Action based on the HttpMethod naming convention.

To use this new FeatureActionInvoker we need to replace the default one on the controller.

We do this by overriding the ControllerFactory.CreateController method with:

    public override IController CreateController(RequestContext aRequestContext, string aControllerName)
      IController controller = base.CreateController(aRequestContext, aControllerName);
      return ReplaceActionInvoker(controller);

    private IController ReplaceActionInvoker(IController aController)
      var mvcController = aController as Controller;
      if (mvcController != null)
        mvcController.ActionInvoker = new FeatureActionInvoker();

      return aController;

This should now function for both the default and the TFT feature-based method.

Test that the home URL (http://localhost:23187/) and the feature based URL (http://localhost:23187/Route/Feature) to confirm that both work correctly.

Final source for the ControllerFactory below:

namespace WebApplication1.Infrastructure
  using System;
  using System.Web.Mvc;
  using System.Web.Mvc.Async;
  using System.Web.Routing;

  public class ControllerFactory : DefaultControllerFactory
    const string BaseFeatureNamespace = "WebApplication1.Features";
    const string FeatureControllerName = "FeatureController";
    protected override Type GetControllerType(RequestContext aRequestContext, string aRoute)
      Type type = base.GetControllerType(aRequestContext, aRoute);
      if (type == null)      {
        string Feature = aRequestContext.RouteData.GetRequiredString(valueName: "action");
        string typeName = $"{BaseFeatureNamespace}.{aRoute}.{Feature}+{FeatureControllerName}";

        System.Reflection.Assembly assembly = typeof(ControllerFactory).Assembly;
        type = assembly.GetType(typeName);
      return type;
    public override IController CreateController(RequestContext aRequestContext, string aControllerName)
      IController controller = base.CreateController(aRequestContext, aControllerName);
      return ReplaceActionInvoker(controller);

    private IController ReplaceActionInvoker(IController aController)
      var mvcController = aController as Controller;
      if (mvcController != null)
        mvcController.ActionInvoker = new FeatureActionInvoker();

      return aController;

    public class FeatureActionInvoker : AsyncControllerActionInvoker
      protected override ActionDescriptor FindAction(ControllerContext aControllerContext, ControllerDescriptor aControllerDescriptor, string aActionName)
        ActionDescriptor actionDescriptor = base.FindAction(aControllerContext, aControllerDescriptor, actionName: aActionName);
        if (actionDescriptor == null)
          actionDescriptor = base.FindAction(aControllerContext, aControllerDescriptor, actionName: aControllerContext.HttpContext.Request.HttpMethod);
        return actionDescriptor;

Full sample solution can be found on GitHub @: