Blazor Hosting Location
Sunday, 31 March 2019
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Client-side or Server-side
Thanks to the AspNetCore Team for changing the name back to Blazor!
Here is a handy class that you can use in Blazor to determine if you are executing client-side or server-side. Its included in Blazor-State but if you just want it by itself here it is.
namespace BlazorState.Services
using System;
public class BlazorHostingLocation
public bool IsClientSide => HasMono;
public bool IsServerSide => !HasMono;
public bool HasMono => Type.GetType("Mono.Runtime") != null;
I use it in my demo app to display the execution side in the header. It is even more handy when used in conjunction with Blazor Dynamic Dual Mode where you can switch back and forth with ease.
file: BlazorLocation.razor
@inherits BlazorLocationModel
@if (BlazorHostingLocation.IsClientSide)
file: BlazorLocation.razor.cs
namespace TestApp.Client.Components
using BlazorState.Services;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components;
internal class BlazorLocationModel
[Inject] public BlazorHostingLocation BlazorHostingLocation { get; set; }