I am not fan of the "premature optimization" phrase. The phrase is subjective, and begs the question; "what is premature?
Improve the working relationships between the people that write software and the people that want the software.
When using MediatR and a single controller per endpoint the controller is beyond thin, it is micro. With a base controller that looks like
There's a certain threshold of size and complexity that if you keep on the right side of you can assuredly never be bothered with how your files are arranged.
Wouldn't it be nice to have both fast first page load and allow for more scalability by running on the client?
I just want to break on the next request that comes to the server at the begining of the pipeline.
I needed to render a list from a variable-length array of objects. Each object contained a text name and a corresponding number value
Create better error messages in dotnet core with FluentValidation.
A dotnet core Testing Convention for Fixie that supports Dependency Injection
That definition is generic enough to mean almost anything or nothing and in practice that is often how it turns out. This blog is to explain our starting point with the VSTS templates.
Execute js file from command line using node.
NodaTime is a good replacement library for the .net DateTime. add the nuget pacakge NodaTime.Serialization.JsonNet