A DateTimeService which implement NextUtcNow which will generate unique DateTime values.
A step by step walk through on how to create a Statiq site and deploy it to GitHub Pages.
How to launch your fully functional dotnet web application from your integration test.
Inside your `Directory.Build.props` file add the following
It turns out that HTML5 isn't bad at single property validation.
When using MediatR and a single controller per endpoint the controller is beyond thin, it is micro. With a base controller that looks like
Wouldn't it be nice to have both fast first page load and allow for more scalability by running on the client?
I just want to break on the next request that comes to the server at the begining of the pipeline.
A dotnet core Testing Convention for Fixie that supports Dependency Injection
NodaTime is a good replacement library for the .net DateTime. add the nuget pacakge NodaTime.Serialization.JsonNet